PONTIAC, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – An Oakland County judge suspended jail communication privileges for a 34-year-old mother accused of abusing and abandoning her three young children for years.

Judge Cynthia Walker suspended Kelli Bryant’s communication privileges for one week after she violated a court order that barred her from contacting her children or their caregiver. That means Bryant cannot use the phone, tablet, or any other video communication devices while in jail.

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The prosecutor said Bryant called the caregiver 10 times between March 8 and 12 to discuss the children and the case. In addition, officials said Bryant coerced other inmates to call the caregiver on her behalf.

Bryant is being held on a $50,000 bond and faces three counts of first-degree child abuse. In addition, prosecutors charged her with three counts of welfare fraud. Law enforcement found Bryant’s three children abandoned in a townhouse surrounded by garbage and human waste last month.