DETROIT (Michigan News Source) – The city of Detroit is recommending that it pay $5.85 million to the estate of the woman who was killed when she was hit by a city of Detroit bus on June 2, 2023.

The Detroit City Council is reviewing the recommendation at its March 11 meeting. Janice Bauer, a 67-year-old woman from Grosse Pointe Park, was killed while walking across the street just a couple blocks away from The Fist statue commemorating Joe Louis.

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The Detroit News reported the bus driver was involved in 19 on-the-job accidents including two that resulted in deaths during her 26-year career. Geraldine Johnson, the Detroit Department of Transportation driver, was sentenced to at least six months in jail. The Detroit News reported the city settled with the family of the other 2015 fatality for $4.5 million.