EAST LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – Michigan State University graduates, Jack Rushlow and Zachary Ziemba, have stirred up a solution to a growing problem: drink spiking, the act of secretly adding alcohol, drugs, or other substances to someone’s drink without their knowledge or consent.
The State News reports that their invention, the “Safety Straw” is a color-changing straw that detects common date-rape drugs and sends a clear message – if your drink is tainted, you’ll know before it’s too late. It’s a small but mighty tool in the fight against predators who rely on their victims being unaware.
The Straw that outs drink spikers instantly.
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The concept is simple but genius. If a spiked drink touches the straw, it changes color, immediately alerting the drinker. Unlike other drink test kits that require dipping and waiting, this straw is built for convenience. It’s discreet, easy to use, and impossible for an unsuspecting predator to stop once it’s in the glass.
Drink spiking has been an increasing problem, especially in college towns where nightlife thrives. While bars and clubs tighten security, individuals still need tools to protect themselves. With this straw, partygoers and bar patrons get a silent alarm against the most cowardly of crimes.
Expanding the idea.
While the goal of the straws is to make bars in East Lansing safer for the students, Rushlow and Ziemba hope the idea expands to other college towns.
The American Psychological Association conducted a study with 6,000 students at three universities. It showed that more than one in 13 students have had their drinks spiked with four out of five of them reporting a negative outcome from being drugged.
The straw is currently patent pending.