BAY CITY, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – The woman deemed to be the brains behind her Bay County boyfriend’s killing more than 40 years ago has been paroled at the age of 95.

Dorothy Jean Morris is now on parole in Macomb County.

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Her rap sheet is a long one. Two days after being released from prison for larceny and fraud in April 1982, Morris convinced her teenage son and his friend to kill her boyfriend, Rudolph Helmreich. The victim was drugged and suffocated. A jury convicted Morris in 1983 of first-degree murder and received a life sentence.

Prior to the murder, Morris spent ten years in and out of prison for crimes like larceny and embezzlement. She also tried to escape from prison.

The conditions for Morris’s parole include placement in a licensed medical care facility along with payment for treatment. Morris cannot change her residence or leave Michigan without approval. In addition, she must undergo regular alcohol and drug testing and avoid associating with inmates.