LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – State Rep. Bryan Posthumus (R-Rockford) introduced a constitutional amendment, House Joint Resolution B, on Wednesday that seems like common sense to most Americans: only U.S. citizens should vote in U.S. elections. But in Michigan, common sense is apparently controversial – at least for Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson who is also running to be the next governor of Michigan.

The proposed amendment would require proof of citizenship when registering to vote and a photo ID when casting a ballot – two measures that polling consistently shows are widely supported by the public. But Benson, who has her sights set on the governor’s mansion, is displeased with the resolution and says the politicians are using the resolution to “gut Michiganders’ voting rights.”

Plan adds citizenship and ID requirements for voters.

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Posthumus’ plan would ensure that anyone registering to vote must provide proof of U.S. citizenship. In-person voters would need photo ID, and absentee voters would need to verify their identity with a document or a portion of their Social Security number.

What if someone shows up without an ID to vote? They can still cast a provisional ballot and sign an affidavit of identity – but their vote wouldn’t be counted until they provide photo ID within six days. And for those screaming “But what if they can’t afford an ID?” – Michigan would provide them for free. The state would also have to, on an ongoing basic, verify that everyone who appears in the statewide qualified voter file is a U.S. citizen.

“This is a no-brainer,” says Posthumus in a press release about the resolution. “Only U.S. citizens should vote in our elections…And people should have to show ID when voting to prove that they are who they say they are. That’s just common sense.”

About the free photo ID for those who need it. Posthumus says, “That’s the only reasonable argument against requiring photo ID to vote – opponents say that some people can’t get it. That’s ridiculous, because to function as an adult in our society today you need ID, but just to make sure that isn’t a stumbling block, the state will have to provide photo ID for free to people who cannot afford it. Problem solved.”

Benson calls foul on common sense.

Benson wasted no time declaring her opposition to the amendment, accusing Republicans of using a basic electoral safeguard as a “cover” for suppressing votes.

Benson declared, ”The politicians pushing this plan are taking something we all believe and know is true – that only U.S. citizens should vote in our elections – and using that as cover to gut Michiganders’ voting rights in our state constitution.”

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In her statement, she adds, “I stand with the people of Michigan who have overwhelmingly passed ballot measures to make voting more accessible and to enshrine citizens’ voting rights into our

constitution. We need to hold the line on protecting every eligible citizen’s constitutional right to cast a ballot in every election and get back to the business of working together on honest proposals to keep Michigan’s elections safe, secure and accessible.”

Michiganders will decide.

In the end, it’s those “people of Michigan” who will be able to decide the issue. If the resolution passes both the Michigan House and Senate with a two-thirds vote from each chamber, the proposal will go on the ballot. If not, Michigan citizens can still gather petition signatures to amend the constitution through a ballot initiative. Either way, voters will ultimately get to decide in an election whether the amendment is approved says Posthumus.

Benson’s “robust” voting laws? More like a paper-thin security blanket.

What the Republicans have on their side in their argument for a citizenship and ID requirement to vote is the fact that Michigan lacks a safeguard to prevent non-U.S. citizens from casting ballots.

Back in the fall of last year, a 19-year-old Chinese national who was a student at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, voted in the U.S. presidential election. His vote was counted because there is no way to track a vote once a ballot has been tabulated. Was he “caught” by any of Benson’s robust voting laws? No. We only know that it happened because the man admitted that he voted in the election. There were no “safeguards” to stop him, proving that Benson’s “safe” and “secure” voting laws are not actually so safe and secure.

Will democrats vote against it?

Republicans hold the majority in the Michigan House, meaning the resolution has a real shot at advancing. Posthumus believes it would be “political suicide” for Democrats to vote against it, but if Benson’s stance is any indication, most of her party’s House and Senate allies are likely to vote against it.

The importance of a ballot measure.

A ballot measure on citizenship and ID requirements could have significant implications beyond just election security. With Michigan’s 2026 elections on the horizon – including races for governor, U.S. Senate, secretary of state, and attorney general – this initiative could serve as a rallying point for conservative voters to show up at the polls who are increasingly concerned about election integrity.

Benson and her allies will paint the proposal as a threat to voting rights, while Republicans argue it’s a straightforward safeguard against fraud. The real question is whether Michigan voters will accept Benson’s argument – or decide that requiring proof of citizenship and an ID is just common sense.