LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – The average state of Michigan employee missed almost 27 days of work in 2023-24, including vacation and sick days.

The average was 26.7 days a year, 9.8 sick days and 17 leave days which includes vacation time, according to the annual report produced by the Michigan Civil Service Commission.

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Corrections workers averaged the most sick days taken in 2023-24 with 11.2. Human Services employees and Treasury workers had the second-most sick days used at 10.5.

Sick days are covered under union contracts for state of Michigan employees. But a common provision in the state contracts allows a typical full-time state employee to have about 12.5 sick days a year.

State and local governments offer better sick time and vacation benefit packages than the private sector, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

For example, after 10 years of employment, the private sector offers seven sick days and 18 days of vacation, while state and local governments give 12 sick days and 19 days of vacation, according to BLS data.