LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s 2020 COVID-19 mantra “the science is settled” could not be further from the truth. A damning 520-page report released by a U.S. House investigative panel this week determined “unscientific COVID-19 lockdowns caused more harm than good,” six-foot social distancing lacked scientific support, mask mandates did not keep COVID-19 from spreading, and closing schools for months at a time disrupted the development of American children.
“The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted a distrust in leadership.”
Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), Chairman of the Republican-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, wrote these words in the opening summary letter of the report. This phrase sums up what Gov. Whitmer forced on Michiganders in 2020 and 2021.
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On March 10, 2020, she announced a State of Emergency when two cases of COVID-19 popped up in Michigan. Three days later, Whitmer started adding a list of events and activities daily she deemed unsafe for Michiganders. Those included attending school, large gatherings, eating in restaurants, “non-essential” medical and dental procedures, leaving one’s home, getting a haircut, and buying garden seeds. What started out as 15 days to flatten the curve turned into three months of shutdowns.
Whitmer bragged about her mitigation measures in July 2020, claiming her measures “helped us flatten the curve and save lives.” Three years later, she admitted that her lockdown rules did not “make a lot of sense.”
In November 2020, Whitmer issued another similar order with portions of that shutdown lasting until July 1, 2021.
“Lockdowns caused more harm than good.”
The report determined that stay-at-home orders, lockdowns, and social distancing caused damage for “generations to come.” It reads, “Rather than prioritizing the protection of the most vulnerable, federal and state government policies encouraged or forced millions of Americans to forego critical elements of a healthy, happy, productive, and fulfilling life.”
As Whitmer casually admitted that her nonsensical COVID-19 rules seemed arbitrary, the report found government leaders culpable in the mental health crisis many Americans now face. “The virus itself may not have the same lasting effects to health, culture, and the economy as the government’s policy response,” the report said.
Social-distancing and masks mandates not based in science.
Gov. Whitmer thrust her mask mandate on Michigan in July 2020 after she reopened the state from its first lockdown. She forced all public school children, including toddlers, to wear masks when they returned to school the next month. She again bragged about her saving lives policies, but the report says otherwise. “[Masks] “did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection… These results appear to directly contradict public health agencies’ and local governments’ support for broadly requiring masking throughout much of the pandemic.”
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In addition, the report determined that rather than being rooted in scientific research, the social distancing requirements “sort of just appeared.” It read, “Even though [social distancing] was CDC guidance and not a mandate, it was forcefully implemented by state and local governments and caused lots of strife amongst Americans.” The report continued, “Social distancing requirements were largely responsible for closing businesses, heightening a sense in loss of community, and were part of the reasoning schools could not reopen for so long.”
Gov. Cuomo in the hot seat for nursing home policies. What about Whitmer?
The report carved out an entire section for embattled former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) and determined he committed “medical malpractice” by publicly undercounting the number of COVID-related nursing home deaths there in 2020. It is tied to his edict that required nursing homes to admit recovering COVID-19 patients.
While the report’s condemnation of Cuomo’s actions is thorough, why did the committee let Gov. Whitmer off the hook? She issued a similar order in April 2020.
A 2022 audit from the Auditor General found Whitmer’s administration undercounted COVID-19 nursing home deaths by 42%. The audit determined the state underreported 2,386 deaths, with the total number of COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes topping 8,061.
From the beginning of the pandemic, health and government officials determined vulnerable populations included the elderly. Whitmer’s policies also forced these individuals to die alone.
What’s next for Whitmer?
Whether Whitmer is off the hook for her disastrous COVID-19 policies remains to be seen. However, the release of the U.S. House report is not good news for her future political aspirations. Her name has been floated around as a possible 2028 presidential candidate. However, this report, coupled with her abysmal polling nationwide, and her loss of Michigan for Vice President Kamala Harris, could be the end of the road.