LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – The state of Michigan had almost three times more employees making $126,000 or more in 2023-24 than four years ago.

The state of Michigan had 707 employees making $126,000 or more in 2019-20. That increased to 2,021 in 2023-24. There were 1,336 making $126,000 or more in 2022-23, according to data released by the Civil Service Commission.

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In addition, the state has increased the number of officials/administrators from 2,020 in 2019-20 to 2,416 in 2023-24, a 20% increase over the four-year period.

The state of Michigan has had about the same number employees over the past four years. The state had 49,398 employees in 2024, up from 49,275 employees in 2019.

The Michigan Civil Service Commission responded in an email to Michigan News Source.

The commission listed several contributing factors to the increase in people making $126,000 or more.

From Sept. 2020 to Oct. 2023, state employees have received an overall 13.67% increase in pay. That increase would have moved employees making $110,850 in 2019-20 to over $126,000 in 2023-24. There were 1,539 people making more than $110,000 in 2019.

There has been 20% increase to pay schedules for various medical, inspector, engineering, skilled trades and other classes as well as 20% premium added for some auditor positions in Treasury.

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There were also additional hiring and retention bonuses paid for various IT, occupational-safety, auditing, and financial analyst classifications. Most state employees also received a $2,250 lump-sum payment earlier this year after the ratification of union agreements and approval by the commission, according to the commission.

The average salary of a state of Michigan employee was $74,917 in 2023-24, up from $62,019 in 2018-19. The median household income for Michigan residents has increased from $75,790 in 2019 to $76,960 in 2023.