LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – Michigan Republicans aren’t letting Democrats and their lame duck session get in the way of representing voters who flipped the state House last month.

Republicans announced Wednesday they are working on a state Constitutional amendment which would require residents to show proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote, and require photo identification to cast a ballot.

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Rep. Bryan Posthumus (R-Rockford), the incoming majority floor leader, said he will introduce the proposal after Republicans take control on Jan. 1.

“Only American citizens can vote in American elections,” Posthumus said. “Unfortunately, the current election law and framework are insufficient to safeguard this foundational principle.”

Prior to the Nov. 5 election, Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson attempted to discredit anyone who pushed back against Michigan’s laws surrounding voter ID. Although the state guidance says people will be asked to show identification when they show up to vote, that’s technically not true. “If you don’t have ID, you can still vote,” the state guidance sheet says. “If you arrive at your polling place without ID, Michigan law still allows you to vote.
A poll worker will ask you to sign an affidavit before voting that states you didn’t have an ID. Your ballot will be included with all others and counted.”

In addition, Benson had little to say after a Chinese student at the University of Michigan cast a ballot in October. Despite other laws on the books, it was the guilty conscious of the student which “caught” the ballot, not the systems in place. The ballot still counted, and the student is facing perjury charges.

Two-thirds of the lawmakers in the House and the Democratic-controlled Senate would have to vote in support of his measure, or 440,000 petition signatures would have to be gathered to put the issue on the ballot.