DETROIT (Michigan News Source) – City of Detroit Council Member Mary Waters has directed the city to create an ordinance that would create property tax incentives for public safety employees who live within the city.

Waters’ request would include members of the police, fire and Department of Homeland Security and was included in documents at the Nov. 6 Budget, Finance and Audit Standing Committee.

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State law in Michigan prohibits public employers from residency requirements for employees. The law does allow government employers to require employees to live within 20 miles of the city boundaries.

In 2020, multiple media reports stated that 77% of the police force lived outside the city.

The city of Detroit has 3,400 employees in the police department and 1,298 employees in the fire department. The city has no residency requirement outside of being a state of Michigan resident.

Waters didn’t respond to an email seeking comment. The city said in an email to Michigan News Source that it doesn’t talk about ordinances until they are in final form.