LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – Do you love to hike the trails or spend a lazy days fishing by the lake? Is your idea of bliss paddling through Michigan’s pristine rivers, or maybe roasting marshmallows under the stars? Whatever your passion, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wants to hear from you. They’re on a mission to conserve and protect Michigan’s great outdoors and they have put out a call to have you help them get it right.

What is Michigan the Beautiful?

No, it’s not the state’s new tourism slogan (though it could be). “Michigan the Beautiful” (MtB) is an initiative to conserve, restore, and connect at least 30% of Michigan’s lands and waters by 2030. Think of it as a statewide “nature to-do list,” with goals like improving outdoor access for all, protecting wildlife and address a changing climate. The DNR is gathering input from Michiganders across the state to shape a future where everyone gets a say in what’s preserved.

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Getting involved is as easy as 1,2,3.

If you’ve ever said “someone should do something about that park,” now’s your chance to be that someone. Here’s how you can help:

  1. Join a WebinarSign up for a virtual session on either Oct. 7th or 8th to learn more about Michigan the Beautiful and share your ideas.
  2. Take the Online Survey – Have 5 minutes? That’s all it takes to give feedback on Michigan’s outdoor spaces and conservation priorities.
  3. Commit to Conservation – Whether it’s planting native trees or volunteering at your local park, every little bit counts.

Setting the stage: defining conservation goals.

What are the objectives of this initiative? The state wants to create a statewide baseline assessment and online GIS-based conservation viewer that tells a clearer story of conversation in Michigan. This will be done by using feedback from the webinars, online surveys and public input as well as from working with organizations and local units of government from different communities across the state.

They will also produce a “Pathways to Michigan the Beautiful” report that outlines a list of conservation actions on natural and working lands that contribute the initiative’s goals and overall health of Michigan’s lands and waters.

Making Michigan beautiful together.

This isn’t just about protecting pretty places; it’s about ensuring future generations of Michiganders have access to nature in all its glory. So, whether you’re an outdoor adventurer or someone who just loves a good picnic, take the time to share your voice – and help make Michigan even more beautiful!

For more information, visit the Michigan DNR’s website or contact Scott Whitcomb, DNR Office of Public Lands director, at