ANN ARBOR, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – Jane Fonda, the 86-year-old elderly actress who can still stir up controversy like it’s 1972, took the stage on Tuesday, September 17th to campaign for Democratic VP candidate Kamala Harris and promote climate activism. Speaking to a crowd of about 300 students and locals at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Fonda brought her celebrity and worldview to the event.

Climate activism was on the agenda for the event which was organized by College Democrats at the University of Michigan, U-M Students for Harris and the Jane Fonda Climate PAC plus other climate and political organizations, according to The Michigan Daily, a U-M student-run news/media company.

Fonda’s treacherous trail.

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For those who are unfamiliar with her history, Fonda earned the title of “Hanoi Jane” during her infamous 1972 visit to North Vietnam. There, she posed on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down American pilots and made radio broadcasts pleading with U.S. troops to cease bombing. It was a betrayal that some veterans still haven’t forgiven, with one social media commentator noting about Harris having Fonda’s endorsement, “Nothing like having the most famous traitor in American history campaign for you” according to Newsmax.

Fonda, a thorn in the side of veterans for over 50 years, was nevertheless welcomed into the liberal stronghold of Ann Arbor last week with a standing ovation at Rackham Auditorium.

A trip to Michigan – for climate change and Kamala Harris.

Fonda told the audience that she was on a break from acting to be more involved with the Harris campaign. She urged them to vote for the Vice President but also hold her administration accountable once they won. She said about Harris and Walz, “Kamala Harris provides us with a voice. She and Tim Walz provide us with a platform on which we can fight. And so we have to fight because the chances are they won’t do what’s needed because nobody does…Get her elected and then make her do it.”

Fonda went on to say, “We need hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people in the streets, outside in Washington protesting. And then we have to have people elected to office inside, who will listen and feel it in their heart…”

While in Michigan, Fonda has gone door-to-door campaigning for Harris. In a video that “Kamala for Michigan” posted online, Fonda hugs a homeowner and says, “I’ve never done it for a president, but this is most important. We have to, have to, have to get (Harris and Walz) elected.”

The presidential race in Michigan: visit after visit.

While Fonda makes headlines with her provocative quips and voting directives to an already compliant liberal crowd, it’s worth noting that Michigan has been a political battleground lately, with both parties logging an abundance of miles in the state.