LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wants everyone to have a safe Fourth of July. So whether those plans include fireworks, camping, off-road vehicle riding or free time to work around the yard, be aware of certain safety tips to prevent sparking a wildfire.


  • Dampen the area with water first if lighting fireworks off on a grassy area.
  • Keep a hose and bucket nearby.
  • Soak spent sparklers and other fireworks in a bucket of water before disposing.
  • Do not use sky lanterns or aerial fireworks in state parks or recreation areas.


  • Build your fire in a fire ring on bare ground.
  • Keep fire away from trees or low-hanging tree branches.
  • When finished with the fire, douse it thoroughly with water, stir the ashes and douse again. Repeat until cool.
  • Watch for embers that can float out of a fire and ignite dry grass or leaves.

Debris burning

  • Make sure you have permission to burn (burn permit).
  • Burn permits are not granted on days that are too hot, dry or windy.
  • Keep the fire small and manageable, which is no larger than 3 feet high and wide.
  • Keep a hose or water source nearby when burning.
  • Your fire should be at least 10 feet away from logs, stumps or debris.

Learn more about fire safety and burning by visiting here.