DETROIT (Michigan News Source) – Things just went from bad to worse in Michigan for current President Biden’s support in the state’s February 27th primary. The Detroit News has endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips (who?) over the current president. Not surprisingly, they have also endorsed Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley over former President Donald Trump.

The News: The presidential election is not place for old men.

In their editorial supporting Haley, they say, “The 2024 presidential election should be no place for old men, particularly not if those old men are former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. Between them, they’ve given the nation nearly eight years of chaos and division. Do Americans, do Michigan Republicans, really want four more years of that?”

Biden and Trump are too preoccupied with each other.

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They go on to say, “Trump is obsessively preoccupied with the perceived wrong done to him in the 2020 presidential balloting, while Biden has only one talking point in this campaign: Trump.”

The Detroit News says that Biden was never expected to be a two-term president when he was elected and tasked to “move the nation past the chaos and division of the Donald Trump era” as well as move us out of the COVID-19 pandemic and “restore confidence in America’s democracy.”

However, the News says that the president has not met those expectations.

Newspaper points to “across-the-board” failures of Biden.

The newspaper says that Biden has had “across-the-board failure as the nation’s chief executive” and that’s why they are recommending that Michigan Democratic voters cast their ballots for Democratic presidential candidate, Dean Phillips in the primary on February 27th.

Per their endorsement of Phillips, they say that although he is not the ideal standard-bearer for the party, is obscure and “lightly experienced,” he is still competent, implying that Biden is not. They point out that Phillips is closer to the “middle” of the American electorate and offers “common sense solutions” for what ails the country.

They add, “And he’s not Joe Biden.”

Endorsement concentrates more on Biden’s failures than reasons to vote for Phillips.

Rather than focus on Phillips through most of their endorsement, the News concentrates on the failures of Biden and they discuss why the current president is not worthy of a second term in the Oval Office. In fact, Phillips is only mentioned five times in the endorsement while Biden is mentioned 11 times.

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The newspaper says, “Biden has brought the United States to a point where very few Americans can answer yes to the classic question to weigh when a president asks for a second term: Are you better off than you were four years ago?”

Biden fails with Covid, the economy, the border, foreign policy and more according to the News.

The News highlights the country’s position with COVID-19 and the economy when Biden took office and how the country was on the rebound – until Biden and the Democrats passed their “American Rescue Plan Act” and their “Inflation Reduction Act” adding more than $2 trillion of “furious” spending that was ultimately only done to “check off a long progressive wish-list” that overheated the American economy – resulting in the worst inflation in 40 years.

The News, not impressed with the current state of employment and the economy, emphasizes the real world situation that Americans find themselves in as price hikes persist, especially in their grocery spending – causing credit card debt to soar above $1 trillion.

In their endorsement of Phillips, which is really a non-endorsement of Biden, the News also draws attention to how Biden revoked most of Trump’s border policies that were being used to stop unauthorized border crossings.

They also call Biden’s record on foreign affairs “just as dismal” from his “bumbling of the Afghanistan withdrawal” to the aggression of Russia and China towards Ukraine and Taiwan and the president’s dealings with Iran and Israel.

Biden’s mental issues are a problem.

In addition to policy issues, the News says that Biden has an “apparent slippage in his physical and mental capabilities” and doesn’t appear to be a man who can “handle four more years of a very grueling job.”

The paper laments the fact that there isn’t a “stronger” Democratic field to challenge the current president and says that the only two choices are between Phillips and self-help guru Marianne Williamson (who recently suspended her presidential campaign).

In conclusion, the News says, “Phillips is the only acceptable Democratic choice.”

Reasons Phillips can do the job.

 Near the end of the endorsement, the newspaper finally comes up with arguments to vote for Phillips including, “The congressman advocates spending cuts, starting with government waste, to address out-of-control deficits. And he favors a single-payer health system that would incorporate private delivery of care with universal coverage. He would focus on mental and emotional health, reducing addiction with treatment and providing support to law enforcement officials to deal with these issues.”

They also say that Phillips “rightly views the southern border as a national security crisis and potentially a constitutional crisis” and points out that he voted in support of House Resolution 927 condemning antisemitism on campus and the testimony from university presidents before the House. Additionally, they promise that Phillips is on board with the idea of wanting to sustain a large and powerful federal government.

More pushback against President Biden has surfaced.

The Detroit News isn’t the only place that Democratic voters can see pushback against voting for President Biden in the primary – or in the general election.

Michigan News Source reported recently on a group called “Listen to Michigan” who is running a campaign to mobilize pro-Palestinian Arabs, Muslims and others in the state to vote “uncommitted” in the Democratic primary to send a message to President Biden that they disagree with his support of Israel.

And although the UAW has endorsed Biden in the general election, UAW president Shawn Fain says that most of their members wouldn’t be voting for him. Appearing on Neil Cavuto’s show on Fox News after the endorsement Fain admitted, “Let me be clear about this: A great majority of our members will not vote for President Biden, some will…The majority of our members are going to vote their paychecks, they’re going to vote for an economy that works for them.”

Biden’s Michigan problems.

Whatever the reason, it appears that Biden’s support in Michigan is fading fast even though MIRS predicts that the president will win the state’s primary with 73% support in a poll ending January 10th.

However, presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump is still ahead of Biden in most of the general election polls for the Mitten state including a recent Bloomberg poll that has Trump ahead of Biden 48% to 42%.

In fact, The Hill calls Michigan a “quagmire” for President Biden and says that the important swing state is possibly one of his biggest obstacles. They point to problems with his loss of support from one of the nation’s most populated Arab American communities and his potential problem with the youth vote.