LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – After more than 25 states have signed a letter supporting Texas with its border security, Michigan legislators are demanding national guard deployment to the border. 

Michigan Republicans have shared two letters voicing support for Texas, including one from Phil Green (R-Millington) who sent a letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott, with 31 members of the legislature co-signing the letter. 

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“We, the undersigned Michigan legislators, are very concerned about the federal government’s overreach,” the letter said. “Thank you for your steadfast resolve in this matter.” 

The letter went on to explain that the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution permits the state to use the powers “not specifically given to the federal government.” 

“As state legislators, we agree on the importance of protecting our rights against tyrannical oversight and maintaining our ability to protect citizens from any harm that a federal government takeover could have on our state,” the letter said. “Our landowners depend on local control to protect their rights and any overreach from unnecessary trespassing or border control.” 

Catalyst Behind the Call to Action with Green’s Letter: 

Rep. Green shared that the letter has been in development for some time. 

“We started working with GovernorGovernor Abbott’s office over the past month as the fight intensifies,” he said in an interview with Michigan News Source, adding, “The federal government started throwing roadblocks in the way of the state defending its own border.” 

He underscored  that the “constitution provides for states rights, we are united states, emphasis on states.” 

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“The grander issue which is the rights of states to be able to regulate themselves and control commerce and such inside the state’s borders, every state should be on board with that regardless of political persuasion,” Rep. Green added. 

He also shared his goals for the letter and hope that other states would continue to join in support. 

“I hope this is just the tip of the iceberg for Michigan’s support of Governor Abbot,” Rep. Green said in the interview. “We are going to do what we can do as legislators to support him and his states rights as well as his role as governor. On the flip side we don’t control any other state, so I hope that our voice is joined by many others and that we are able to wrap our arms around each other and be united states.” 

Rep. Green also mentioned that there will be a resolution regarding Texas that will be introduced at the next session day. 

A Second Letter is Submitted to Gov. Whitmer: 

Some of the signatories send a letter directly to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer on behalf of Texas.  

“We as members of the 102nd Legislature call upon you to aid Texas in securing our Southern Border,” a letter from State Representative Neil Friske (R-Charlevoix) said. “For far too long our southern border has been left wide open for anyone to cross. This poses a grave national security risk as we have seen people who are on the FBI’s Most Wanted list crossing into the country via the southern border.” 

State Rep. Friske, along with State Representatives Matt Maddock (R-Milford) and James DeSana (R-Carleton) also highlighted the Federal Bureau of Investigations letter to Congress regarding the effects of the border crossings, including confiscating more than 27,000 pounds of Fentanyl. 

“‘In its modern history, the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland, and, yet one is unfolding now,’” the letter said. “We must do everything in our power to protect our country and its people from violent criminals who cross our southern border with no repercussions.” 

The letter also addressed how Michigan is being negatively affected by the circumstances. 

“Michigan is being affected by this crisis and the issues of the border are stretching to dangerous levels here,” the letter said.  “Just last week a world terrorist watch suspect was arrested in Michigan. We have also seen news reports of homeless shelters in Detroit being overrun with illegal immigrants instead of homeless people. We have also seen reports of buses of illegal immigrants being brought into places like Grand Rapids and Traverse City.” 

The State Representatives concluded by calling for action by the Michigan National Guard. 

“Now is the time for action and we call upon you to activate the Michigan National Guard and to deploy them to the Southern Border to aid Texas and 24 other states in securing our southern border,” the letter said. “The federal government has failed in its duty to protect our border, so it is up to the states to secure it ourselves.” 

Federal Government and Texas Feud Over Border Guarding Practices: 

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) laid out his reasoning for increased border security, beginning with how the federal government has broken its compact with the states. 

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” Gov. Abbott said in a  statement. “President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them. The result is that he has smashed records for illegal immigration.”

Even after sending multiple letters to President Biden, Gov. Abbott said that he “ignored Texas’s demand that he perform his constitutional duties.” 

Growing State Support for Texas: 

So far, 27 states have shared support for Texas and its methods of securing its southern border, and last week issued a letter voicing concerns. 

“President Biden and his Administration have left Americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented illegal immigration pouring across the Southern border,” the letter said. “Instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border, the Biden Administration has attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country.” 

The letter shared the other governors’ mutual solidarity with Gov. Abbott and “the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border.”

For a full copy of the letter, and the governors who have signed it, see here