JACKSON, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – The annual Hot Air Jubilee is kicking off in Ella Sharp Park, bringing 34 colorful balloons to the skies over Jackson and celebrating the event’s 40-year anniversary.

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A morning flight was scheduled to start the festivities on Friday morning, but it was canceled due to wind. However, some local residents have already had a chance to see balloons participating in the U.S. Women’s Hot Air Balloon National Championship competition, which started before the Jubilee on Saturday, July 16. Participants in this event have been competing for the chance to be named a 2023 National Champion and potentially represent Team USA in the Women’s World Hot Air Balloon Championships in 2025.

This year’s National Champion is Amanda Brodbeck, an electrical engineer and a commercial hot air balloon pilot who hails from Denver, Colorado. She piloted a blue and green balloon dubbed “Esmeralda.”

The festival will officially open at 3 PM on Friday, to be followed by a 7 PM launch on Friday evening and a night glow at dusk. A 7 AM launch and another night glow are scheduled for Saturday. All flights are weather-permitting. Announcements about changes, additional events, and cancelations, plus a new directory app, can be found at the event’s Facebook page. Admission and parking are free.