LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – As Michigan welcomes rain this week, the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy is encouraging innovators to submit ideas for new water conservation practices, with the potential of a grant reward.
The project must fulfill several components with the overall goal of producing “advancements in water conservation best practices that can benefit Michigan’s water sectors and support long-term sustainability of Michigan’s water resources,” and those who are eligible to apply have the chance to win a grant of $100,000. Eligible applicants include: for profit and nonprofit groups, educational institutions, federal, state, tribal, and local units of government.
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Primarily, the project will inform Michigan’s Water Use and Water Conservation and Efficiency programs according to EGLE, and also advance the state’s water conservation and efficiency goals provided under the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Governors & Premiers’ Great Lakes Agreement and Compact.
While the competition will be administered by EGLE’s Office of the Great Lakes (OGL), it will be co-funded by the Michigan Great Lakes Protection Fund (MGLPF) and funding appropriated by the Legislature through the Michigan Water Use Advisory Council (WUAC). The prospective project period would be between December 2023 and November 2024, and will be partially judged on its readiness and feasibility within a one year time frame. According to EGLE, other project tasks include:
- Develop and implement an engagement and dissemination strategy to involve Michigan water sectors in the project to maximize the benefits of the project results and findings.
- Summarize existing Michigan water sectors’ processes to review and/or change water conservation best management practices (BMP).
- Research innovation and technological advancements in water sector water conservation BMPs and their impacts within the business and industry sectors in other Great Lakes states and provinces and other innovative jurisdictions.
- Summarize findings that will advance Michigan water sectors’ water conservation BMPs within the business and industry sectors to help contribute to Michigan’s water conservation and efficiency program goals as well as practices that may also contribute toward achieving Michigan’s climate and carbon neutrality goals.
- Present project results and findings to the Water Use Advisory Council (WUAC), the council’s Water Conservation and Efficiency Committee, and business and industry sectors to inform and advance innovation in their sectors’ water conservation and efficiency practices and contribute toward achieving Michigan’s climate and carbon neutrality goals.
Those interested in learning more can attend a webinar scheduled for July 25 at 2 pm, but registration is required for the free information session. Completed applications must be received no later than 5 pm on Monday August 28, 2023. Final projects must be submitted to Kimber Frantz at the email address,