DETROIT (Michigan News Source) – Wayne State University has announced that for some students beginning in fall 2023, tuition to the university will be completely free. 

For students whose families make less than $70,000 a year, the school would grant them full tuition to attend the four year university, in conjunction with money awarded through the Michigan Achievement Scholarship program. 

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“Wayne State has a long history of being a university of access and opportunity, and now our commitment to making a college degree affordable comes in the form of a guarantee,” Wayne State University President, Roy M. Wilson said. “We are excited to expand the opportunity for an affordable, world-class education to more Warriors. We are grateful for Governor Whitmer’s leadership in establishing the Michigan Achievement Scholarship and paving the way for Michiganders to pursue tuition-free higher education.” 

The school’s latest statistics indicate it has a 35% four-year graduation rate, and currently offers more than 70% of its undergraduate student body some sort of tuition.   

Several members of the Michigan government were present for the announcement, including Governor Gretchen and Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist II. 

“Students in Michigan deserve the opportunity to receive quality, affordable higher education,” Governor Whitmer said in a statement. “I’m proud to work with universities across the state to lower the cost of college for Michigan students and help them gain the skills to be prepared for the new and expanding businesses coming to the state. Last year, almost half of first-year students at Wayne State University had zero out-of-pocket expenses, with this initiative, the university is offering that opportunity to even more students.”

Those who are eligible to receive funding include those who fulfill the FAFSA requirements by April 1, 2023.  Applicants must also be enrolled in 12 or more credit hours per semester, though funding is only available for fall and winter semesters.  Michigan residents eligible for the Pell grant in the 2023-24 school year are also eligible.  

“When we invest in students, we invest in Michigan’s future,” Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist II said in a statement. “The Wayne State Guarantee will be a game changer for Michigan students, helping them get a high-quality education with zero out-of-pocket expenses. The best path to a higher quality of life and higher income is getting a degree. The Guarantee will help us grow economic opportunity for Michiganders and achieve our Sixty by 30 goal to get 60% of Michiganders a postsecondary degree or certificate by 2030. Governor Whitmer and I will keep working hard to help every student achieve their dreams and get a great education.” 

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The university already offers a Heart of Detroit tuition pledge which enables Detroit high school students or Detroit residents earning a high school diploma the opportunity to free tuition.  The pledge is available for up to four years.  

According to a study, currently of the 17,573 undergraduate students, roughly 76% of them receive some sort of grant aid.  However, 94% of freshmen were given scholarships averaging $6,426 per student making them in the top 40th percentile of all colleges nationwide. 

This fall, WSU boasted an increase in the university’s six-year graduation rate which is now 60.3% over the past year as compared to a 26% rate just over a decade ago.