EAST LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source)- Michigan State University has announced that Dr. Anthony Fauci will headline the university’s Spring commencement alongside other government officials. 

The former chief medical advisor to president Donald Trump and president Joseph Biden, and directed the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from 1984 to 2022 will address MSU’s doctoral graduates in the afternoon.  

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“In awarding honorary degrees, these notable leaders join the class of 2023 as beacons of excellence in our Spartans futures,” MSU Interim President Teresa K. Woodruff said in a statement. “Their stories from their college careers and early commitment to creating a better tomorrow will resonate and inspire graduating Spartans as they take this next step in their journey to change Michigan and the world.”

According to MSU, the graduation will be ushered in by the Undersecretary for Nuclear Security for the U.S. Department of Energy and administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration Jill Hruby; member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and MSU faculty Lisa Cook, followed by Dr. Anthony Fauci. 

Hruby will be awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree, while Cook will receive an honorary Doctor of Humanities decree, and Fauci will receive an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree from the university.  

The main graduation festivities will be held in the Breslin Center in East Lansing, while other ceremonies will be held in the Wharton Center.  The University will also provide a live-stream of the ceremonies here.   

MSU has announced that no bags or purses will be permitted in the graduation ceremony locations, nor are food or beverages. However, cameras and camcorders, as well as bottled water will be allowed.  A limited concessions menu will be offered during the ceremonies. 

The university also announced that metal detectors will be used to screen all attendees, and some prohibited items include noisemakers, selfie sticks, pets, signs and weapons of any kind. 

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Last May, Fauci addressed more than 4,000 of the University of Michigan’s class of 2020 and 2021, and whose speech had protestors outside of the stadium.