LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – In his farewell address on Wednesday, outgoing Michigan Republican Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey used the podium on the Michigan Senate floor to warn everyone about forces that will be threatening “the very fabric of our freedoms, independence, our sovereignty, our values and even our God given rights.”

Shirkey is at the end of his second four-year term in the Michigan Senate, not being able to seek re-election because of term limits. He has been an outspoken critic of Gov. Whitmer’s COVID-19 lockdowns and assaults on the freedoms of Michiganders and he gave a farewell speech where he discussed the threats coming from those who support progressive ideas like climate change, artificial intelligence, digital currency, and a one world governance coming out of the World Economic Forum.

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He also pointed out the absurdity of Whitmer’s lockdown rules when he said, “We learned that unchallenged expert advice leads to bizarre almost humorous, but for the circumstances, dictates…you can go fishing, but you can’t have a motor on the boat.”

More seriously he said, “We are witnessing 2 Timothy Chapter 3 before our very eyes…Covid was a test. These next challenges will be much more than a test.”

With the upcoming Michigan government being dominated by the Democrat’s one-party rule starting in 2023, many Michigan Republicans are predicting a scary road ahead. Along with the media, they expect many progressive agenda items to come from the Michigan legislature and the Governor including things like gun control, more energy restrictions, and cancelling right-to-work legislation.

Michigan News Source reached out to Shirkey’s office about his concerns for the future of Michigan. Shirkey’s Constituent Relations Director, Jordan Keyser, said that the Senator had used COVID-19 as an example and that his premise was that “We have the blueprint to either learn from it or let it lead us down a path to where it’s more government intervention or infringement on rights or that it could become worse. We should take the opportunity to reflect on it and learn to adjust without the opportunity of the government to intervene in a person’s life and liberty.”

He continued, “When the new leadership comes in, there’s a blueprint to go off of and his (Shirkey) hope is that both sides of the aisle work together in order to ensure that people are put first and at the forefront of any decision on their ability to live life.”

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After listening to Shirkey’s words and the warning about the possible peril headed our way, there were a few in the Democratic Party who found the speech inappropriate or strange.

Michigan Senator Jeremy Moss (D-Southfield) had a four-word response to Shirkey’s speech when he said, “Well that was weird.”