LANSING, Mich. (MIRS News) – Get Michigan Working Again, a Republican Governors Association Affiliate, launched its second general election ad against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as part of a $3.64 million running gubernatorial total ad buy.

The ad, titled “Worse With Whitmer,” focuses on an increase in crime, deteriorating roads, job loss and a lag in educational achievements post-pandemic, said RGA spokesman Chris Gustafson.

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With record crime, 82,000 lost jobs, crumbling roads, and failing schools, Michigan is worse off with gretchenwhitmer. TudorDixon will get Michigan back on track and put families first. MIGov

— The RGA (@GOPGovs) October 19, 2022

“Gretchen Whitmer made big promises to Michigan families, but has failed to deliver, and now the state is headed down the wrong track. From violent crime, to roads, to the economy, to schools, Michigan is worse with Whitmer,” Gustafson said.

“Under Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan’s headed in the wrong direction,” the ad begins.

It references October 2021 Detroit News reporting on a four-decade high surge in homicides, “crumbling Michigan roads,” an 82,000 statewide job loss reported by Bridge Michigan in September 2022 and Lansing State Journal reporting that “Michigan students suffered significant learning loss,” also in September.

But “Tudor Dixon will turn things around,” the ad went on to say.

“While Whitmer has proven that her leadership results in failure, Tudor Dixon will get Michigan back to work by eliminating Whitmer’s failed policies, cutting taxes, and putting families first by getting schools back to the basics,” Gustafson said.

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Following the release of the ad, the Michigan Democratic Party released a statement criticizing what it said is an “effort to prop up Tudor Dixon’s wrong-for-Michigan agenda.”

The MDP referenced “major funding increasing” secured by Whitmer during 2022 budget negotiations, including more than $30 million for police recruitment and training. It also reported that other crime is down across Michigan, with a 38.1% decrease in robberies as one example.

MDP spokesperson Alyssa Bradley made a statement criticizing Dixon’s proposed economic strategy as well, which the MDP said would slash billions from law enforcement, public education and infrastructure.

“Tudor Dixon dragged her family’s Michigan Steel business down, she’s failed Michigan’s auto industry by rejecting economic investments and now she wants to drag the entire state back by defunding the resources they rely on – roads, education, and law enforcement,” Bradley said. “Michiganders can’t afford to be another bullet point on Tudor Dixon’s failed business resume.”

The MDP also criticized Dixon’s education agenda after the RGA ad referenced a slow recovery for students post-pandemic. They said Dixon’s support from Betsy DEVOS and family would contribute to cuts in public education funding.

The RGA’s Get Michigan Working Again ad is part of a total $3.64 million in spending, including a $910,000 ad buy this week.

It’s also one of two ads that are being run this week by Get Michigan Working Again, with a similar ad, titled “Crumbling,” airing in Detroit on WDIV.

In addition to Get Michigan Working Again, other big Republican gubernatorial ad spenders include $2.27 million through Michigan Families United, $69,000 through Dixon for MI Governor, $42,000 through Michels for WI Governor and an additional $16,000 from Americans for Prosperity.

But Republican PACs are still being largely outspent by their pro-Whitmer opponents.

The Democratic Governors Association’s “Put Michigan First” is leading among PACs with a total of $28.5 million in ad buys, including $3.02 million this week alone.

It purchased $23,000 between broadcast and radio for the week of 10/18 – 10/24, of which $8,000 were added to the Detroit and Grand Rapids broadcast markets and $15,000 were added to Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing and Muskegon radio markets.

Whitmer for MI Governor has spent $10.9 million in gubernatorial ads, while Everytown For Gun Safety Action Fund has spent $798 thousand, the Evergreen Collaborative has contributed $380 thousand and Michigan Watch has spent $246 thousand.

As of Tuesday morning, the total Democrat ad spending totals $45,609,993, while Republican ad buys total $6,094,025.