LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – It’s been 13 years since the last review of the state’s endangered and threatened species list which documents imperiled wildlife species protected by law. The endangered species groups includes mollusks (clams, mussels, oysters, etc.), insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and plants.
According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the new proposed changes to the endangered and threatened species list includes 58 species being added and the de-listing of 36. These changes were discussed among seven technical advisory committees convened by the DNR so they could evaluate the list and offer recommendations.
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The DNR uses the most up-to-date scientific knowledge to propose the updates and the committees are made up of experts from DNR staff, Michigan Natural Features Inventory, university researchers, and others. These experts use the latest data and population information related to the several classification groups of species that are listed above. Species can be added, up-listed, down-listed, or delisted based on the latest scientific knowledge.
And now, the DNR is looking to the public for their input.
A public hearing to introduce the proposed changes will be held from 9 to 11 am on Tuesday, August 30 in the Forum of the Michigan Library and Historical Center, located at 702 W. Kalamazoo St. in downtown Lansing. Attendees are asked to bring a written statement to be presented for the record.
Michiganders can also weigh in on the changes by emailing their public comments here or by mail to:
Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division
ATTN: Endangered Species Specialist
P.O. Box 30444
Lansing, MI 48909
Public comment will be accepted through September 30th and the list, including additions and deletions, can be
found in the draft here. Bold writing indicates an addition and a strike-thru means there
is to be a deletion.
The list reviews both thriving and declining species against the current conditions the last time that the list was compiled. Most of the declining species that need to be added are due to disease. Some of the species added to the list are the Eastern Box Turtle, American Bumble Bee, Floating Marsh Marigold, Northern Long-eared Bat, Alleghany River Cruiser and the Grizzled Skipper.
A few of the deleted species include the Long-eared Owl, Black Sandshell, Lake Floater, Petoskey Pondsnail, and the Trumpeter Swan.
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Whether added or deleted to the list, this writer thinks that after reading the draft, we have some pretty cool names for the different species that roam the Michigan landscape.
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